Remembering the Process is The Reward this Easter

LJ Mitchell is the Music Director of Elevation Church in North Carolina. He shares about the details of planning for Easter, and how we can be prayerfully preparing for all that God will do.

It’s that time of year again. Easter is fast approaching and we are in the thick of finalizing details, planning our sets, and rostering teams. Frankly, it can be challenging to navigate these variables as we are trying to create the best possible experience for our churches; one that is pleasing to God and memorable. 

While preparing, I noted a few reminders I thought may be helpful for all of us in this season, myself included.

Everything begins and ends with Jesus! 

From the brainstorms to the altar call and even tear down of production/equipment, focus on keeping Jesus at the center.

If ideas aren’t flowing, if things are a bit chaotic, or you’re feeling uncertain, invite Him into your process. In all your preparation take time to listen and make this Holy Week personal. Minister from a place of inner conviction.

Make the gospel personal to you. 

Keep it simple! 

There’s no denying the magnitude of God’s ultimate sacrifice for us, but remember the Gospel itself is simple (John 3:16).

So, why not keep our representation of it simple as well?

Don’t equate me saying simple with unintentional, sloppy, or boring. What I mean is, don’t be in such a hurry to deliver the most deep, theoretically complex element, or get caught up in the most musically complicated transitions and arrangements that the truth of what we are responsible for displaying gets lost.

Keep the main thing the main thing.

The message of Easter is fundamental to our faith which is why we take the time to highlight its importance on these weekends. Make sure the message doesn’t get lost in translation.

To my fellow multi-site MDs, build and deconstruct; if your idea is somewhat complicated and requires a certain level of musicianship, creating simpler variations of your idea that campuses can confidently get behind is key to successful execution. 

Build on foundation!

Don’t overlook the use of elements that are foundational to our faith (scripture and hymns) in an attempt to be overtly current.

So many hymns are filled with the gospel.

Coupled with the right arrangement, the right hymn can really serve us well in our worship experiences. 

I love all of the new songs God has given our church in this season that speak of Jesus’ love and his sacrifice for us. The song “No Body” off of our upcoming album powerfully says:

Light of the world

Lamb that was slain

Lion who rose 

Mighty to save

The fullness of God

Won’t be kept in a grave

Darkness your hour is over

I cannot wait to sing it in a few weeks! While I’m leaning into the new, I’m equally excited to pair it with an Easter hymn.

If you are looking for inspiration, take a look at some hymns. 

A corporate scripture reading before a host welcome, bookending your welcome with the right scripture, or using just the right verse(s) to transition between songs can be really powerful.

Watch out for the enemy of comparison!

You are responsible for the gifting God has placed within you and stewarding the resources He has given you. 

Embrace limitations as you are planning. Invite him into the difficult places; large and small. 

Resist the urge to dwell on what you lack in comparison to another church, or team.

Instead, redirect your focus and channel that energy into what you do have and who has been entrusted to your care. 

The process IS the reward! 

Lastly, for those of us who will be spending a few late nights and early mornings crafting our sessions, tightening transitions, and making final edits; remember, the process is the reward.

Don’t wait until the last amen and miss all of the ways God will reveal Himself to you while you’re creating and dreaming. 

I pray this helps as you begin planning, and even as you’re finalizing details for your services. I’m believing that joy and peace will guide you as you prepare and that you will have a personal revelation this Easter. 

Here are a few of the songs I’m looking forward to worshiping with this Easter to help you in your preparation.

Welcome Resurrection // Elevation Worship

Rattle! // Elevation Worship

Sunday Is Coming // Phil Wickham

Mercy // Elevation Worship & Maverick City

What I See // Elevation Worship

Graves Into Gardens // Elevation Worship


Easter Devotionals | 2023


How to turn a 500-person event into one that’s deeply personal