Seek Well

Seek Well exists to guide men and women toward a deeper relationship with Jesus through experiences designed to provide rest and eliminate the noise of life. They believe that “life to the full” (John 10) is possible for those who are willing to live in rhythm with Jesus and His way.

The truth is that when we slow down and listen, we discover what He has to say to us. When God speaks, it changes everything!

What specific resources and experiences does Seek Well offer?

Seek Well is primarily an experience ministry.

We exist to help men and women slow down and be still, listen to God, so that they can seek Him well. Our experiences range from one day, to one weekend, to one year. Our one day and one weekend experiences (One Day and Getaway) are designed to provide space to slow down, find rest for the soul, and learn to develop spiritual rhythm. Our one year experience is for people who are desperate for Jesus; men and women who will do whatever it takes to find the “life to the full” that Jesus offers. We guide people in how to develop spiritual rhythm as they discover what it takes to live free and light across four unique in-person experiences as well as additional content and connection. 

Over the years we’ve discovered that the invitation to follow Jesus at His pace and His way was not just for us or a small group of individuals, but is for everyone! We develop resources in addition to our experiences for anyone who is trying to follow Jesus in a busy world. Our current primary resources are our podcast Free And Light, our digital companion resource The Daily Rhythm, as well as our book LISTEN.

Free And Light is a podcast about how to live the life that Jesus offers. We talk about the spiritual practices that will change your life by learning to slow down and seek Jesus well. We share what we have learned about pursuing Jesus in our most difficult seasons and share the moments that are shaping our faith today. We also invite our friends into the conversation by talking to men and women whose lives have been radically transformed by practicing the way of Jesus. We hope that through our conversations that we can encourage you to experience the same!  

The Daily Rhythm is our digital resource that explores the spiritual practices (or disciplines) that we think are vital to following Jesus. These aren’t all of the practices; just the ones that we are discussing currently. We believe that when we create space to connect with God we develop what we call Spiritual Rhythm. We release new guides to these practices in conjunction with our podcast!  

Hearing from God is not complicated. We just have to be still long enough to listen.

LISTEN is a seven week guide designed to help you hear the voice of God. We couldn’t take every person on a hike in the mountains so we decided to put it in book form. LISTEN offers simple but profound practices to help you silence the noise and develop intimacy with Jesus through the lost art of listening. Perfect for individuals or small groups and ministry teams!

How is Matthew 11:28-30 central to the heart behind Seek Well?

Your soul isn’t designed to move at the speed of the world. When we look around us it’s easy to see just how fast the world is moving, and it seems as if everyone is just trying to keep up with this unsustainable pace. Because of this we work ourselves to the bone and then crash into the weekend in an effort to recover; just to do it all over again on Monday. And when we look at the Church it would seem as if we are no different… We have adopted this culture of “hustle” and have applied it to our lives and ministries so much so that things are barely within the boundaries of chaos.

Jesus says there is a better way:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” -Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30 MSG)

It’s fair to say that without those words of Jesus, Seek Well might not exist today. Years ago God used this passage of scripture to reach into the deepest parts of our hearts as a small group of men began to get away regularly to ask God what He had to say. Over the years we invited others to join us in this simple pursuit of stillness, silence, and learning to listen. Since then we’ve seen hundreds of men and women embrace Jesus’ invitation to find rest, be still, and listen to His voice. We’ve seen marriages restored, ministries revived, churches planted, and relationships with Jesus reclaimed. 

We all need a break from the pushing, striving, and stress of life.

We need to discover and embrace what it means to walk with Jesus and work with Jesus; not simply for Him. When we do, it changes everything! If that’s you then we would love to invite you one of our experiences, to join us in conversation on our podcast, or learn what it means to listen through our book. 

What’s a recent testimonial that really affected you?

We get to hear incredible stories of what happens when people begin living the way of Jesus at the pace of Jesus all of the time! We love to share these stories of what God is doing in the lives of people who are reclaiming their faith and relationship with Him and living in the unforced rhythms of grace. Two of those recent stories that come to mind are Justin and Marissa:

Justin thought that he had it all together; but found that he was falling into the dangerous trap of chasing "The American Dream."

When his quest for more left him emotionally, spiritually, and relationally burned out, he had a choice to make - change careers or learn to move at a different pace. It was at this moment that Justin's life was changed as he learned how to slow down and develop spiritual rhythm. Along the way, he found joy in the journey, and you can too!

Marissa had a baseline level of faith for a long time.

In fact, she works at a church and was doing all the churchy things… but if she was honest, inside she was barely surviving. Marissa discovered that there is a difference between knowing about God and actually knowing Him. She learned that she doesn’t have to settle for surviving but that she deserves and can find this thing Jesus calls life to the full.

Tell us about your retreats and the promo offering for our Multitracks/Lead Worship Well community. 

Busy, run down, even burned out in life and ministry? We’ve been there! How can we possibly succeed in life (and ministry for that matter) without feeling like we are losing our souls in the process?

You are not alone!

At Seek Well, we believe that listening to Jesus is the key to our best life, and if we slow down and listen we’ll actually hear God. Over the years we have seen that this is best discovered through an in-person experience; where you are guided towards what that means and looks like in your own life. 


Our seven-week guide is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about slowing down, being still, and how to listen to God.

You can do this on your own or with a group! Use the promo code “LWW” for 25% off! If you’d like to purchase multiple copies for your small group or ministry team please email us at for a special discount. 


Our podcast is designed to invite you to pull up a chair and join us in a conversation about what it means to live the life that Jesus offers. You can listen on Apple, Spotify, or directly on our site at!




Right now we have spots available for our upcoming Getaway experiences designed to create breathing room for your soul.

Come and get away with our team and let us show you how to take a real rest and develop spiritual rhythm. We have Getaway’s happening in both June and September! More info can be found at


Our year-long experiences for men and women are currently closed as these groups for 2023/24 are being formed now. However, if you’re interested in the next group please send us an email at and you’ll be the first to know when registration opens! 


We often get invited to speak to ministry teams, church staff team meetings, and conferences. If you would like to work together, you can get in touch at

We would love the opportunity to partner with you!

Learn more at


Naomi Raine
