SEU Worship

Imagine a room big enough to hold every voice that has ever cried out to God. For centuries, God’s people have called out in adoration and praise, and if such a room existed, it would be the most diverse and God-dependent place in history. SEU Worship, the worship movement of Southeastern University, has added their voice to this room, remembering the voices of old while raising up those for the future.

SEU Worship’s new album, Heart Cry, captures the hearts of students and young adults while praising the Lord. We had the opportunity to ask them about what God did through this album.

The new album kicks off with this really energetic, driving track: “All In.” Production/engineering-wise, this song really lets the room in quite a bit. Tell us the decision behind this - was the hope to immerse the listener in the presence of the room the day it was captured?

Each time we gather in worship our room is full of excitement and joy. “All In'“ encapsulates that energy perfectly.

We wanted to invite listeners into our loud and expectant environment, where our praise is full of vitality and passion.

If you think of the album like a spectrum, “All In” represent the upbeat praise end of that spectrum where a song like “Deep Dive” represents the intimate prophetic end of that spectrum.

Tell us about SEU’s mission to blend the traditional with the future in their songs. Why is it important to blend the genres of pop and CCM right now?

A lot of our motivation behind blending pop and CCM has to do with our desire to reach people ages 16-26. Our ministry is based on a college campus, so everything we do is centered around reaching the next generation of worshippers.

Fulfilling our calling looks like referencing the music high school and college students listen to in an effort to meet them where they’re at. It helps that many of our songs are written and produced alongside students at Southeastern University.

“Deep Dive” in particular has really been connecting with congregations. Why do you all believe this one is standing out?

“Deep Dive” is written from a pure place of worship and surrender.

It’s a devotional in that the lyrics read like an earnest prayer to God, and it’s worshipful in that it recognizes God’s power to radically alter our lives.

“Show me what’s breaking your heart, even if it messes me up,” is such a powerful sentiment.

That kind of prayer requires deep faith and commitment to Jesus if we’re going to sing from an authentic place. It’s hard to imagine a lyric we’ve written that is altogether as personal, powerful, and life transforming as those.

What about these songs reflect the hope and need of the worship artists featured, the campus where they lead, etc?

Each of our artists are hungry to see God move in the lives of our students.

At SEU, we’re passionate about students discovering their divine design.

In the writing and production process of these songs, we get a firsthand experience of people finding their unique God given characteristics and talents. Whether it’s in the making of the albums, or in the singing of our songs in worship services, these songs are emblematic of God’s life changing power.

These songs reflect our desire to see students awaken to the reality of God’s love and power. Our prayer is that the same thing happens to listeners as they experience the songs themselves.

Tell us about the 3-day devotional (Monday Morning Faith) that is paired with this release.

We’re thrilled that we get to partner with YouVersion on a 3-day devotional plan titled after one of our favorite songs from our Heart Cry album: “Monday Morning Faith.”

The devotional is a reflection on passages of scripture and lyrics of our songs. How often do we go to church on Sunday and fail to perpetually carry the same level of worship into our week? This devotional is an invitation to worship God in our daily activities and devotion.

Lead songs from Heart Cry with your congregation. Resources available at


Josh Baldwin
